Here you can read some general advice on how to get your new piercing to heal well.
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A good diet and good general health are good conditions for your piercing to heal as well as possible. If you are ill, do not pierce yourself and if you become ill during the healing period, the healing process can be negatively affected.Always wash your hands before touching your piercing.Never remove the jewelry from your piercing during the healing period, but leave it on.Do not peel / remove crusts or coatings on your piercing between washes. It acts as a protection against bacteria between the washes.Feel free to abstain from alcohol and tobacco products for the first time for the best healing. Physical activity can also have a negative effect on healing. Listen to your body, it's smarter than you think.Avoid saunas, baths and tanning beds for the first 2 to 4 weeks.Get to know your body and piercing. If you are stressed or ill, your piercing will be more sensitive.Do not overheat the piercing. This can lead to prolonged healing time. So it is not better to wash twice as much.Each body is unique and healing times vary. In case of any questions, problems or the slightest concern, do not hesitate to contact us: or 031 - 711 01 10
You can find all our aftercare products HERE
BASIC CARE:The very purpose of cleaning a healing piercing is to remove dead skin cells and fluid that is excreted from your body, as well as any dirt and bacteria you may have accumulated during the day. Actually, you do not take care of the wound with the help of medicine or make it heal, but instead you keep the area clean while the body heals itself. Normal hygiene and common sense, with extra attention to the pierced area, are all that is needed. You can best determine what works best for you by listening to your body. It will tell you if you are doing something wrong. Should you need a helping hand, just come by the studio or get in touch by phone or email.
Newly made piercings should be cleaned once or twice every day, depending on your skin sensitivity, your activities and the environment you are in. Continue to clean your piercing throughout the healing period, but keep in mind that your piercing can become irritated if you wash your piercing too a lot or to use several products at the same time. You do not wash your hands with three different soaps after them, so why do that with your piercing?
Face / Body
The most common ways to clean a new piercing are:
Saline solution as recommended, you can mix it yourself and soak the piercing, you can also buy a ready-made solution in spray form: Neilmed piercing aftercare spray which speeds up the healing with the help of natural sea salt and minerals. The spray should carefully remove each and every scab. It is packed sterile in a separate pressure vessel, thanks to this, cross-contamination is almost impossible. The spray is antibacterial and disinfectant.
You can also wash with Barbarella Bodysoap. Take a few drops in your hand when you shower, lather up and soap the piercing. Let it work for 30 seconds. Rinse thoroughly with water afterwards.
And last but not least, we have two antiseptic sprays that are great, both for freshly made and irritated and difficult-to-heal piercings: Prontolind Spray is a ready-made solution for antiseptic cleaning and moisturizing of freshly made and / or irritated and difficult-to-heal piercings. Skin areas, mucous membranes and jewelry that are difficult to reach can be cleaned painlessly thanks to the spray application. Pega-Care Spray is a ready-mixed, water-based solution for antiseptic cleaning of piercings. The ingredients have been used successfully in clinical trials and are dermatologically tested.The spray is easy to apply and the active substance Panthenol accelerates the cells' renewal process, which promotes faster healing.
Oral piercings
Rinse with 10-15 ml Barbarella Mouthwash for 30 seconds.For the first 7 - 10 days, it is recommended that you rinse your mouth twice a day.The following 4 weeks, extra good oral hygiene is recommended. Rinse with water after each meal and brush your teeth morning and evening.Keep the oral cavity well cooled for the first 5 hours after piercing to keep the swelling down, but feel free to cool during the first days. Avoid oral contact, e.g. heavy kisses, chewing gum, biting nails and the like.Do not play with your jewelry and avoid biting into it. Scar tissue can easily occur and teeth are expensive.With tongue piercing, you can usually change to a shorter piece of jewelery after about 4-6 weeks. For lip piercing, you should change to shorter / smaller jewelry after about 6 - 8 weeks.
SPECIFIC ON ORAL PIERCINGSOral piercings such as tongue, lips and fly heal quickly and easily, often between 6 - 10 weeks, provided you take care of them. Jewelry can be changed after healing or on the recommendation of your piercer, but should never be removed during healing even for short periods. These piercings can contract very quickly without jewelry in, sometimes in just a few minutes. This is especially true for tongue piercings. If you like your piercing, be sure to keep the jewelry in. If you must hide it, talk to your piercer about transparent retainers and plastic balls. Also check from time to time that the balls are well screwed on.Swelling
You can expect your piercing to be swollen for several days, with leftover swelling for about a month. By sucking on ice cubes and drinking ice water, you help the body keep the swelling down and soften the feeling in the mouth. Keep your head high, preferably with double pillows when you go to sleep, and try not to talk too much. Avoid blood thinners such as aspirin, alcohol and other stimulants as well as things that make your heart beat fast. Try to avoid straws and pipes, as sucking can cause bleeding and extra swelling. Eat what feels comfortable, but try to avoid spicy, sour or hot foods during the first week, as they can be very irritating to your piercing. Chamomile tea for the first few days can help reduce the swelling and soothe the sensation in the mouth. Let it cool or refrigerate and keep it in your mouth when you drink it.
To allow swelling, the length of the healing piece of jewelery is always longer than the piece of jewelery that can be worn when it has healed. Once the swelling has subsided and the piercing has healed, you can change to a shorter rod or smaller diameter of ring. If you wear too much jewelery, it can risk chipping your teeth, irritating the gums, scar tissue or other oral damage. However, be patient! By changing to less jewelry too soon, you can cause more swelling and prolong healing. Wait until you are healed or consult with your piercer.
Every time you have eaten, drunk or smoked, you should rinse your mouth with cold, or hot, water. Some people also use mouthwash, but we recommend that you use mouthwash only morning and evening.This cleanses the mouth, relieves any pain and helps healing as you rinse off any irritating things. It also reduces the white secretion that normally accumulates around the hole and also removes residues from smoking. If you still want to use mouthwash, make sure it has as low an alcohol content as possible and use it no more than 1-2 times a day. Stronger mouthwashes (eg Listerine) are insanely strong.
Lip /labret etc
In addition to the advice above, you should also wash the outside of your piercing morning and evening and preferably after smoking. Antiseptic solutions tend to be most effective, especially where oily skin, makeup and smoking can affect. Salt water spray can be helpful if you need to clean quickly during the day. Warm saline solution on the outside of the piercing can facilitate healing and reduce scabs and secretions. Absolutely do not remove scabs with your fingers!
Try to reduce smoking and avoid chewing gum or playing with your piercing during healing. Avoid wet kisses and oral sex until the piercing is healed. If you have to kiss your partner, make sure he cleans his mouth first and cleans your own mouth afterwards.
Keep your fingers away from your mouth! Do not lick your fingers, do not bite your nails and do not touch the piercing during healing! Think of everything you touched in a single day and of everyone else who touched the same things. This also applies to biting on pencils and the like. A new toothbrush can be of great benefit. After the first week, you can gently brush your tongue and jewelry while brushing your teeth. This helps to remove bacteria and plaque, especially on the lower ball of a tongue stick. Mild or natural toothpastes can be more pleasant than stronger commercial varieties.
SPECIFIC ON GENITAL PIERCINGSAftercare for genital piercings is the same for most other piercings, with antiseptic soaps as the recommended cleaning product. Genital piercings are some of the ones that heal the fastest, provided you take care of them, so they are often very easy to care for. Follow the advice under Care instructions.
Soaking with warm saline solution can facilitate healing and soften the piercing.Take a tablespoon of sea salt in a liter of water and bring to a boil. Then pour it into a shot glass or disposable cup and hold it over the piercing. For some piercings, it may be easier to soak a compress and resist the piercing. Soak as often as you can, at least once or twice daily, for the first two weeks. This also helps reduce pain and itching. Be sure to use sea salt than other salts such as. table salt, as table salt can sting more and also cause fungal infections.
Sexual activity should be avoided during the first two weeks, but it is not prohibited during the entire healing period. If you have sex during that period, be sure not to expose your piercing to unnecessary strain and be sure to wash your piercing clean afterwards. This also applies to nipples. Protected sex during the first month is recommended.
Avoid exchanging body fluids! Men should use non-spermicidal condoms to avoid the risk of infection. Unprotected oral sex should be avoided throughout the healing period, as it is one of the easiest ways to get a painful infection.
Many people have sex prematurely. If your piercing becomes sore or irritated, soak with saline then the problem usually resolves. Listen to your piercing and your body. This is the easiest way to find out if you are mishandling or exposing your piercing to greater stress than you should.
For some women, the antiseptic soaps may be too strong and then hot saline baths can be a good substitute, combined with saline rinsing. Sterile saline solution can be bought at Apoteket, and can also be convenient for a cool rinse during the day.
Most women do not get bruises or bleed from genital piercings, but it is a possibility and not dangerous if it should occur. As with most irritations, warm saline solution can both feel good and facilitate healing.
Regarding the Princess Albertina piercing, be sure to urinate after cleansing or sexual contact, oral or vaginal, to clear the urethra.
Soap and other cleaning products can be irritating to your urethra. If the piercing passes through the urethra, such as Prince Albert, Reverse Prince Albert, Apadravya and Ampallang placed far forward, be sure to urinate after cleaning to clear out any cleaning fluid. Urination after sexual contact has the same effect.
Be prepared for your piercing to bleed, especially P.A., Reverse P.A., Ampallang and Apadravya. If possible, try to have a bandage / compress around the piercing for the first 1-3 days and change the bandage when necessary. Some may bleed very much, especially during the first night, but this is perfectly normal. Sterile cotton compresses can be bought at Apoteket. It helps to avoid blood thinners such as alcohol, aspirin and other stimulants during the healing period.
Sea salt solution
Hot saline baths can be a great complement to healing piercings. It helps to draw out fluid, alleviate irritations and can prevent infections. They also help stimulate circulation in the area, which can speed healing. You can use saline baths for general healing, to remove dried liquid before cleaning or some activities and to alleviate any irritations and infections.We recommend that you soak your piercing for several minutes (10-15) at least once a day and more often if you have problems with healing. Quick soaking in 1-2 minutes can be soothing and comfortable between normal washes.
Sea salt, without iodine, works best when it is cleanest. Most table salts contain extra chemicals (aluminum, magnesium, iodine, etc.) which can irritate and sting, as well as dextrose (sugar) which can cause fungal infections. Many iodine-free salts and kosher salts are natural sea salts. Read the table of contents: if it only contains sodium chloride (salt) and possibly some form of calcium (phosphate or silicate to minimize lumps) then it is good.
To soak: Dissolve a 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of 2.5 decilitres of warm water (distilled if possible). A stronger solution is not better and can actually be harmful to your piercing. Angle the glass and hold it over your piercing for 10-15 minutes, but be sure to keep the solution warm at all times.For piercings on the face or ears, a shot glass can be simpler, or sterile compresses from Apoteket that you soak and resist. With compresses, you may need to replace them more often as they cool down faster. After soaking your piercing, rinse with water and dry with a clean towel or paper towel.
Alcohol-based productsAlcohol is insanely strong and can both irritate and dry your skin and thereby prolong healing. It can also burn and sting and may not be as effective against bacteria (when used superficially) as previously thought.Avoid Chlorhexidine, Alsol alcohol / solution and Desivon for daily and regular cleaning of piercings.
Hydrogen peroxideHydrogen peroxide kills many bacteria, but also destroys the healthy skin around the piercing. If you use it for a long time, it can even prevent your piercing from healing. Avoid it in every way!
Antibiotic ointmentsThese do not work for more than two weeks, as your body becomes more tolerant to antibiotics during that time. This is exactly what makes them useless when it comes to healing piercings. They also contain a large proportion of petroleum jelly, which keeps oxygen away from the piercing and creates a perfect and warm environment for bacteria to thrive in. The fat barrier also means that water and cleaning fluids cannot reach the piercing effectively, making it impossible to clean.
HibiscrubThis solution is used for first aid and surgery, but should not be used for aftercare of piercings. It is insanely strong and can prolong healing.
INFECTIONS & IRRITATIONSIf you take good care of your piercing, you will probably never have to worry about any of these, but in the worst case, you have some information below.
Infections are the result of being exposed to bacteria and other infectious agents, for example through contact with dirty hands, body fluids from other people, dust, dirty jewelry, swimming in dirty water, etc. They are often very easy to avoid with common sense and good hygiene (see Helpful Tips and Common Sense).You can usually see that your piercing is infected if: the area around your piercing becomes red, swollen, hot to the touch or itchy, secretion that is dark yellow, green or mixed with blood, or if it smells bad. Facial piercings are usually linked by a small fluid-filled pimple at the hole.Note: A normal piercing secretes a white / pale yellow liquid during healing and this is not a sign of an infection. This secretion contains dead skin cells, tissue fluid and blood plasma and is a sign that it is healing. Healed piercings can secrete a stinking white substance from the sebaceous glands. This is also normal and is easily washed off during cleaning. If the secretion is brightly colored and does not occur in connection with pain, itching, redness or swelling, then it is probably healthy. If you take care of it with cleaning and possibly bathes with saline, it is kept clean and nice.
If an infection occurs, DO NOT REMOVE THE JEWELERY! With our experience, we have noticed that infections are most easily taken care of when an actual opening exists, so that antiseptics can enter the wound and so that excretion can come out. Without a piece of jewelry in, the hole can contract and close in on the infection. Through this, the infection goes from being a local and superficial infection, to becoming a generalized body infection. Apart from that, you also lose your piercing completely unnecessarily. Soaking with warm saline solution is a good way to take care of minor infections. It helps to extract secretions and contaminants, softens the tissue and stimulates the body's natural healing mechanisms. With that said, an infection can bloom again, even if it has disappeared once, if you do not get rid of the root cause of the infection. Be careful in your care of your piercing and try to find the problem.
Should you get a serious infection, see a doctor. Keep in mind that he / she may not be familiar with a piercing's healing pattern and any problems. If you want to keep your piercing, be sure to explain this clearly so you do not fall into misunderstandings. If an infection is the problem itself, instead of allergy or scar tissue, then you risk no further complications by letting the jewelry sit in.
More often than not, you have an irritation and not an infection, caused by anything that can put pressure on the jewelry or keep it at an unnatural angle. If your piercing is red or swollen right at the hole, if your skin scales or secretes white or yellowish fluid or blood, or if it has a lump or bump of discolored skin around it, it is probably irritated. This is a sign that you are exposing your piercing to excessive stress and neglect.
Common causes are: clothes that are too tight over the piercing (navel and nipples); sleeping on it (navel and cartilage piercings); holding a telephone against it (earlobes and cartilage piercings); sex prematurely (genital piercings); that you get stuck or hit or that you play with it.Belly button piercings that sound in one direction have probably been exposed to pressure, either from clothes, sleeping on the stomach or collapsing. Even clothes that usually sit under the navel can go up and over your piercing when you sit down or lean forward. Be sure to keep them away from your piercing, always.
If your piercing gets irritated, be sure to find the cause. Pay extra attention to automatic movements (unconsciously playing with it, pulling the tongue stick against the teeth, etc.). Usually the symptoms go away if you remove the cause of the irritation. Soaking with warm saline solution can also help relieve irritation and can heal existing wear and tear, as well as prevent infections from settling in the new tissue. If that does not help, contact us and we will help.
Allergic reactions
There is always a possibility that living bodies react to foreign objects that are introduced into them and some people are extremely sensitive to certain jewelry materials or cleaning fluids. Allergic reactions are usually expressed as rash, excessive and clear secretion, redness, itching or the skin appears to pull away from the jewelry. They usually appear immediately. When using biocompatible jewelry and recommended cleaning products, allergic reactions are rare, but if you think you have such a reaction, you can come to the studio so we can meet you in person. Keep in mind that in many cases, irritations and scar tissue are mistaken for allergic reactions or infections.
We hope this information is helpful to you, but keep in mind that we are not doctors or magicians. We promise you that you will leave our studio with nothing but a clean and beautiful piercing. The suggestions we have given you here, we can make thanks to our experience and our research in our field. What you do with it is up to you.
You need to listen to and be responsible for your body. We are here to help you, so if you have any questions or problems, at any time, feel free to stop by the studio or give us a call. Well met!