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Labret studs are used in pierced lips.
One end is flat for a comortable fit inside the mouth, it´s made to ease the stress on your gum.
This jewellery is very easy to wear and it´s very easy to change the appearenc of it by just replacing the screw on ball.

Replacment balls will be found in the "Spare Beads/Balls etc." catagory.

There are two options when it comes to threaded body jewelry: internal threading and external threading. With internally-threaded jewelry,  the shaft is the "female" part of the jewelry, and the "male" (post) part of the jewelry is attached to the decorative end(s).
The opposite is true with externally-threaded jewelry. External threading means the "male" post is attached to the jewelry shaft (or, more typically, carved into the shaft), and the decorative ends contain the "female" part--i.e. the hole that the post screws into.

