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For more info and aftercare advice, fold out the text below by pressing the +.

One of the more common ear piercings after the earlobe is the ear edge, or helix as it is also called, and can be varied in angle depending on how the ear edge is shaped.

Jewelry for this piercing can be varied between stud and ring. You can also stretch the hole and use thicker rings or tunnels.
With a straight stud, these usually heal better than with a ring, as rings move more and are easier to access. But it is important not to join too long a rod for too long, as this in turn can lead to problems, so keep in good contact with your piercer.

In recent years, pictures have appeared on the internet with something called Triple Forward helix, it is not as you might think one but 3 separate forward helix and jewelry specially made for it you will find in the subcategory below.

Here we have collected jewelry that fits well and looks extra nice in Helix, keep in mind that it is important that you use the right size, just because a piece of jewelry is in this category does not mean that it fits your ear! Of course, most "regular" rings and rods work as well and you will find them in your own categories.

Healing time for most cartilige piercings: 3-12 months.

The most common ways to take care of a new piercing are:

Either you use Saline that you can mix yourself and soak the piercing with, you can also buy ready-made saline in spray form that speeds up healing with the help of natural sea salt and minerals. The spray gently removes any scabs.

Or you can use an antiseptic/bacterial solution, we have an antiseptic spray that you can use. Pegacare, it has Panhenol as an active ingredient, it accelerates cell renewal and helps your piercing to heal quickly and smoothly.

Alternatively, you can wash with Barbarella Bodysoap. It is an antiseptic soap that you use in the shower, take a few drops in your hand when you shower, lather up and soap the piercing. Leave on for 30 seconds. Rinse thoroughly with water afterwards.
