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Threadless Labret For Triple Piercings - No Ball (BYCG)

Threadless Stem

High-quality Threadless Stem in Titan.
Threadless jewelry is an alternative if you are tired of screwing on and off tops. The idea behind Threadless is that the thread on the rod itself should not go through the piercing when you insert the jewelry.

No part of the jewelry has any threads, you push the small stick at the top down about 1/3 into the stem, angle it a little so that there is a small bend on the stick and push it all the way down into the stem and it stays in place.

BYCG stands for "Best You Can Get" and is the most exclusive line of jewelry we have. Choose a top from the BYCG series for the best fit.
The BYCG Threadless Labret is hollow on the inside and perfectly suited for closely spaced piercings due to the smaller plate. The simple exchange process allows a variety of jewelry variations to be worn.
Article number:TLXIL
135,00kr / pcs
Stock status:In stock
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